Sep 262013

When I read this morning that the Pocket read it later online service had crossed the 10-million users milestone I was very happy for the San Francisco company’s founder Nate Weiner and his team of developers.

Pocket works with both text articles and video.

Pocket is a Great Service

Great Service

For over two years, I’ve been using Pocket (and its earlier avatar Read It Later), mainly to save web articles for later reading, and am delighted with it.

Pocket is a convenient tool for the present age when even 29-hours in a day would be insufficient to complete all our chores.

I save a page on my Mac to read it later and, voila, the page is right there on my iPad instantly.

I delete the page on the iPad and, poof, it instantly disappears on the Mac.

And the app is free. Isn’t life wonderful? 😉

Pocket is integrated into 500 apps including Flipboard, Twitter and Zite. It’s available for the iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, Kindle Fire, Kobo, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Windows.

Although I have downloaded the Pocket app on my Mac, I use the service mostly via the Firefox browser (through an extension).

If you’ve not downloaded Pocket, I strongly encourage you to do so.

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